The Demanding Twists of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

In our previous essay, we outlined the common myths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Each of them shares six common beliefs. One is that there is a Creator of the universe, who also created humans, and is still creating. The second is that this Divinity created humans in His, Her or Its image, so that we look like It and It looks like us. The third is that this Superpower gave us the entire world, and presumably all of the universe, to use as we see fit, since we are the masters of all other creation. The fourth is that we can communicate with this God, who will perform supernatural miracles on our behalf, both on inanimate objects and well as other animate life. The fifth is that there is a beautiful afterlife, available only to those select few who believe a certain twist on these common myths. All other persons, which includes the vast majority of humankind, will be damned to ignominy, or tortured in Hell forever. The sixth is that there is an innate goodness in the universe, which is personified by this Divine Creator. The absurdity of these common myths has previously been addressed. The next question is, what are the twists that each of these religions places on these common myths, to make themselves feel special?

For Judaism, it is the fervent and deeply revered belief that they are the chosen people of the one and only God of all creation.  According to Judaism, the Jewish tribes were chosen by this Divinity to serve as an example for all other nations. God formed a covenant with them that was not formed with any other humans. This covenant demands that they lead an exemplary moral life, filled with compassion and honesty. Their leaders are commanded to rule in righteousness, equity, justice and truth. The people are directed to honor their parents, attend worship regularly, show hospitality to wayfarers, visit the sick, dower brides, accompany the dead to the grave, be peacemakers in the community and family, carry responsibility for their children, commit to the conjugal rights of husband and wife, and in business use just balance, just weights, just measurements and honest judgment. The mistreatment of beasts is prohibited and the wanton destruction of animal life is banned. Since they are formed as the image of their God, who is perfectly merciful and just, so should they be merciful and just at all times.

Judaism, for these reasons, is a down-to-earth religion. Although there is belief in Judaism which encompasses a Day of Atonement, Raising from the Dead, and an Afterlife of Pleasure, none of these are emphasized. There are only fleeting mentions of these additional flamboyant myths, such as this passage from Daniel: ”At that time Michael, the archangel, who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued. Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like sun forever.” Judaism does not demand adherence to these additional myths, however. Only two things are required: One is to believe that the Jews, and only the Jews, are the chosen people. The other is to lead a moral life, following the rules of communal living as stated in the Torah and its books of interpretation.

These simple demands of this highly moral and ethical religion create a heavy burden, however. The rest of the world does not understand. Those people who are deeply adherent to their own, other religions, believe that they are the chosen people. The bare fact is that we are all the chosen people, not just the Jews. We must all treat each other with compassion and respect if we are to survive on this planet. The rest of us believe that we have just as much intelligence, talent, creativity and capacity for morality as those who claim Jewish genetics.  The rest of us do not accept the demand that all other people shall be subservient to Israel. Judaism cannot continue this facade of superiority without paying a very dear price.

Christianity places an additional flamboyant layer on the six common myths. It demands that its followers believe Jesus was the Messiah, The Son of God, able to perform miracles on earth, able to arise from total death. Christianity does not stop there. It also asks its followers to believe in an Apocalypse, a Day of Judgment, and an Afterlife of pleasure forever, inhabited only by those who believe that Jesus was Divine. According to this religion, all others who do not profess adherence to this conglomerate of myths will go to an eternity of torture. Throughout history, Christianity has shown its eagerness to hasten that torture for those who do not share their outrageous myths. Patently, this collection of myths heaps further absurdity on top of the absurdity of the six common myths. We have no evidence to support any of these beliefs. Carried to their logical conclusion, they state that the most rotten person in our society will gain an eternity of pleasure, if on his or her death-bed, he or she professes belief in Jesus as the Savior.  On the other hand, the most loving, compassionate, creative and giving person in our society, who has not claimed Jesus as his or her Savior, will burn in Hell forever.       It is obvious that the Christian faith, in their particular twist on the common myths, reduces them to insanity.

Not to be outdone, Islam adds a third layer of myths to those that are common to the Abrahamic religions. Although it downsizes the role of Jesus to that of a prophet and not the Messiah, it asks its followers to accept all the other myths of Judaism and Christianity, plus two more. They have to believe that Muhammad was the last and greatest prophet of all those that preceded him, and that he spoke the true words of the one and only Creator of the universe. If they do not accept all these three layers of myths, they are doomed to torture for an eternity.

Although each of these religions is highly bipolar, containing both morality and intolerance, that bipolarity is carried to an extreme in the highly muscular religion of Islam. Compassion for all others is demanded as one of the five pillars of this vibrant religion. Unfortunately, that mercy extends only to Muslims. All others, of all other faith, are to be subdued, tortured or killed.

The twists of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, each individualized to their own religion, and based on their common myths, are made of steel. They bind their followers with chains and shackles of their own making. Yet the prison doors are open. These prisoners of various camps enter freely into the world, where their shackles are used as weapons of destruction. These shackled prisoners view all others of any other religion with constant disdain, frequently with great intolerance, and often with rabid violent hatred.

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