Alone in Society

It is now mid afternoon. The wind chimes sound their sweet musical alarms at brief gusts of air which bring them to life. A cold front came through this morning, bringing lead skies and rain, but has hurried through, leaving behind cool breezes which caress my cheeks. Citified bagworm cocoons hang in my neighbor’s trees,… Continue Reading

God Gave Us All the Earth

Also dear to the hearts of those who are faithful to the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is this outrageous myth: They all believe that this earth was given to humans by the Almighty God, to use in any way we see fit. None of these believers seem to have any problem thinking that… Continue Reading

Gay Rights

Jesus told us we should love our Lord, our God, (our Creator) with all our heart, mind, soul and strength; and that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. His disciples, rather puzzled by this teaching, immediately asked him to give them better definition as to who was their neighbor. Was it someone of a… Continue Reading

Free and Equal

What glorious words these are. How grateful we should be for living in a country where we have freedom of expression and where all of us are to be treated as equals. How thankful we should be to the founders of this nation, who made sure that the premises and constitution of our new country… Continue Reading

The Rules of War

Since biblical times, humans have attempted to form regulations which control the conduct of those humans who are fighting with each other. Sections of Deuteronomy admonish warriors who are besieging a city to not kill women, children and aged men, to not kill animals or cut down trees, as much for their own preservation as… Continue Reading

Speaking with the Dead

During my second marriage, I became quite fond of father-in-law Jack. He was a farmer all of this life, a kind man, hard working man, an honest man, and a gentle-man. I saw him suffer immensely with the death of his wife due to biliary cancer. I saw him, after her death, struggle to keep… Continue Reading


For the Romans, Mars was the God of war and killing. He did not really start out to be such a bad guy. The Romans were mostly farmers, who had all kinds of threats to their crops, including insects, critters, large animals, and storms. In order to keep their crops from harm, and insure a… Continue Reading

Pagans, Christianity, and Easter

Easter was celebrated long before the birth of Jesus. It was a springtime riotous party, named after the Saxon fertility goddess, Oestre. Her sacred month was Eastremonath. Oestre was most fertile during the first full moon after the spring equinox, the moon of Oestre. That was the time when new crops were fertilized, and pregnancy… Continue Reading

The Prowess of Protagoras

No, no, not Pythagoras. He was the guy who lived from 580 to 500 BC, and who figured out that the sum of the squares of the other two sides was equal to the square root of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. He also figured out that, by listening to the sounds made when… Continue Reading

The Socrates Scam

The degree to which any one of us affects the lives of those who follow us certainly seems to follow a bell shaped curve. The great majority of us muddle through our lives, somehow managing to get along until the time of our demise. We make it through our marriages with a reasonable amount of… Continue Reading