The Corruption of Democracy

There is a lot about democracy lately in the whole world. There is a major shift toward democratic forms of government among those nations that have some other kind of rule. Those that don’t have a democracy in some form want it for their nation. That is a wonderful trend. One hopes that all people… Continue Reading

Animal Rights

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in… Continue Reading


Somewhere in our minds there is this belief that if we are hungry we need to feed ourselves or get someone to feed us. Hunger becomes something bad, something to be avoided, something that needs to be satisfied whenever it appears. It’s perfectly natural. We need to eat to survive. It is also a social… Continue Reading

Does the Universe Have a Cancer? Is it Us?

Whenever one of my patients dies prematurely, I get angry. I particularly get angry if it is someone who had great potential for a productive and creative life. I start muttering to myself: “Why did you do that, God? He or she was too young. You better do something pretty fast to make up for… Continue Reading

Taking Responsibility

“Take it to the Lord in prayer.” “You have a friend in Jesus.” “Believe in him and ye shall have everlasting life.” “We do this for the glory of God.” “God will answer your prayers.” “Trust in the Lord.” “Only God knows.” “It is in God’s hands.” “In God, all things are possible.” In one… Continue Reading

The Evolution of God

God is omnipotent, omniscient, immutable, is, always was, and ever shall be. Right? We are indeed sorry to burst your bubble, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The concept of and reaction to things out there over which we have no control is a great deal different for a bacterium, a flea, a… Continue Reading

Has Evolution Gone Too Far?

Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin, Thomas Henry Huxley and Joseph Hooker were brilliant people. They recognized something that no one else in the history of humanity had seen or understood before them. They realized that when they studied the complex forms of life that existed, there was only one method of those forms getting where… Continue Reading


What a wonderful month December is! The whole month is a celebration. It seems as if all neighborhoods suddenly convert to Las Vegas for the entire month. There are bright lights, fanciful decorations, twinkling, glittering displays, bunches of parties, feasts, the fun of surprises, keeping secrets until Christmas day, cookies, nuts, chocolates, mistletoe kisses, letting… Continue Reading


“That’s not fair!” “All right, boys, play the game fairly.” “The Fairness Doctrine shall apply.” “She won it, fair and square.” “All’s fair in love and war.” “It is fair to say…” “He doesn’t fight fairly.” Well, well, well. We are a society that seems to measure all things as to whether they are fair… Continue Reading

Our Jobian World

We have deep respect for the author of Job. This guy, some 2500 years ago, understood those things we understand, and wrote a book about it. He did, indeed, tell it like it is. He told it as an allegory, because that’s the way they all gave their opinions and expressed their beliefs at that… Continue Reading