Common Myths of the Abrahamic Religions

Muslim zealots commandeer, in a concerted plan, four commercial flight American airplanes, which they plan to use as flying bombs on the White House, the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. Three of them succeed, killing over twenty five hundred innocent people. They committed these act because the occupants of those airplanes and these… Continue Reading

More on Relativity

It appears to us that we live in such a fixed world. Houses, rocks and streets are very solid objects. If we stumble and fall against something, it certainly hurts, testifying to its solidity. My furniture, dishes, plates and utensils are quite solid. They hold me up and hold up food quite well. Even though… Continue Reading

Religious Mass Psychoses

There was a time in the life-span of the human animal, when there was no astronomy, no physics, no mathematics, and absolutely no understanding of the laws of the universe. It was not too long ago that no human recognized any definition of the laws of gravity, the laws of motion, the laws of thermodynamics,… Continue Reading

Christianity vs. Democracy

“This is a Christian nation, based on Christian values.” “This country has only one King, and his name is Jesus Christ.” “We cannot rest until all of our judges and all of our leaders base all of their decisions on Christian values.” All of these statements of faith have a nice ring to them. They… Continue Reading

Born Again Humans

The Christian faith places great emphasis on those that share this faith being “born again.”  Their belief is that when a human professes to accept Jesus as his or her savior, they are re-created into a being that will enjoy Heaven for an eternity and a life everlasting. The Bible records that Jesus told his… Continue Reading

Love of the Lord

A simple and charming hymn, taken from the Books of Psalms and Chronicles, attached to a pleasing melody, and frequently used in church services, has these words. I love you Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship you. O my soul, rejoice! Take joy, my King, in what you hear: May it be a… Continue Reading

Greed and Religion

Human greed appears to have almost no boundary. There is a large segment of the human population that seems to be determined to take whatever they can, from whomever they can, for as long as they can. There are limits to that kind of behavior, however. Other people take notice, and those who are victims… Continue Reading

Our Bipolar Religions

Compassion versus Hatred As soon as humans became humans, and as soon as there were expressions of art or literature, even in its most primitive forms, there were expressions of belief in deities, and reverence for those deities. There was, in other words, religion, as soon as we became identified as a separate species. Religious… Continue Reading