Category Archives: Editorial

What I Have Learned

It has to be a great deal more than will be included in these few pages, through 80 years of life. All of life is a learning process, which continues until the day we die. We all have multiple problems facing us every day, which have to be solved, one way or another. We would… Continue Reading

God is Good

According to Abrahamic religious belief, there is this magnificent force that began the entire universe with a plan in mind. That plan has, as a major player in this evolving drama, the human species. Humans are such an important part of this plan that this divine force made humans in his image. He, She or… Continue Reading

Moving On

Millions of human beings live not only in want, but in hunger. This month of August, which begins the harvest season, leads me to reflect on those human beings around our planet, who are dying from starvation and kwashiorkor.  There are millions of them, captured by drought and crop failure, who do not have enough… Continue Reading


This month of war is a good time to talk about predators. Our world is full of them. Every time we turn around, it seems there is someone out there who is trying to takes something dear to us away from us, with callous disregard for our rights. It seems that there are millions of… Continue Reading

Right and Wrong

We get so caught up in figuring out how we should behave; we are constantly possessed with judgments as to right and wrong. Normal conversation is filled with familiar opinions as to human behavior. “That’s not the right thing to do.” “That’s so wrong.” “There’s a right way and a wrong way.”  “If you do… Continue Reading

Playing the Odds

The State of Ohio recently passed a law allowing legalized gambling in the state, both at casinos in large cities, as well as horse race tracks. They did so, they said, in order to enhance their revenues and pay their bills in a sagging economy. The governor and state officials, who pushed this legislation through,… Continue Reading

Life is Good

One warm and sunny day last year, Rita and I drove up to the Dari Twist in Dresden for a Coney dog and a Sundae. It seemed like the proper thing to do on a lazy Sunday evening.  After we had placed our orders, we stood there waiting while a young mom and her little… Continue Reading

Tough Love

Those teachings of Jesus concerning extreme pacifism were certainly drilled into us, both at church and in the Sunday school. We were admonished to not be belligerent, not be aggressive, to not be violent. We took those lessons to heart, believing them to be true, even though we all knew that we were quite deficient… Continue Reading

Humans with the Universe

While in process of reading the biographies of Charles Darwin, which were superbly written by Dr. Janet Browne, I remember being quite struck by one of her quotes coming from Thomas Henry Huxley. Professor Browne was describing the relationship Darwin had with those who were his most ardent supporters, including Huxley, Joseph Hooker, and Charles… Continue Reading

Species Survival

Why? We persist in calling each other derogatory names: Dagos, Wops, Polacks, Slant eyes, Wetbacks, Faggots. We treat those others amongst us with derision or scorn when they speak a different language, or carry out different customs. We treat those who have different religious beliefs than ours with derision and scorn. We think that those… Continue Reading