Author Archives: admin

The Epiphany

The accounts of what happened after Jesus’ death are certainly disparate. There is no accounting that is the same. Matthew relates that Mary and the other Mary go to the tomb site on Monday morning. There is an earthquake, an angel appears, and the tomb keepers faint dead away. The angel rolls the stone away,… Continue Reading


That sudden moment of understanding. How precious it is. We describe it in various ways. ‘I suddenly understood.”  “He had an epiphany.” “It was a revelation to me.” “The elevator finally went to the top.” “The light dawned.” “Finally all the pieces fit together.” “I never realized that until now.” “You mean to tell me… Continue Reading

Going to Mars

How we love this out of the world stuff. There are few things more exciting than thinking that we can escape our earthy bonds. That’s the ultimate adventure. Just to think of being up there somewhere among the stars, somewhere near heaven, makes us excited. Spirit and Opportunity are now on the surface of Mars,… Continue Reading

The Bell Shaped Curve

We sure don’t pay enough attention to it. Talk about something that is everywhere that we look, think or study, and affects all of our decisions and understanding, yet we don’t want to think about it. We not only don’t want to think about it; we frequently don’t even want to acknowledge that it exists.… Continue Reading


We call it by various names. Some  say it is our “sixth sense.” Others say it is the communications-like  extra-sensory perception that we just haven’t yet discovered, but sometimes use  when we have heightened senses. Others call it “the wisdom of the ages.” Some   say it is our “instincts.” Many will say it is… Continue Reading

The Pacifist’s Dilemna

Pacifists recognize that war is deeply destructive of human society. We take our best genetic products at the most vigorous times of their lives, and send them off to be killers in a distant land. Those that return come home with loss of limbs, loss of eyesight, loss of hearing, carrying deeply painful scars. Those… Continue Reading

The Soldier’s Dilemna

War seems simple enough. We are wronged by someone, or one of our friends is unjustly attacked, so we retaliate. We have to teach that brash enemy a lesson. We can’t just let someone attack us and not reply. If we do not reply, we will soon find that everyone else is walking all over… Continue Reading

The Corruption of Democracy

There is a lot about democracy lately in the whole world. There is a major shift toward democratic forms of government among those nations that have some other kind of rule. Those that don’t have a democracy in some form want it for their nation. That is a wonderful trend. One hopes that all people… Continue Reading

Animal Rights

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in… Continue Reading


Somewhere in our minds there is this belief that if we are hungry we need to feed ourselves or get someone to feed us. Hunger becomes something bad, something to be avoided, something that needs to be satisfied whenever it appears. It’s perfectly natural. We need to eat to survive. It is also a social… Continue Reading