Author Archives: admin

Fear, Religion and Nuclear War

We have spent considerable time in these essays discussing the bipolarity of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. At one pole, each of them has a wonderful system of morals, which have stood by us well. Those morals started out as pretty nasty social laws. It was an eye for an eye, a hand for a hand,… Continue Reading

The Punishment Phase of Our Religions

The great beauty of our religions is that they emphasize and teach us morals. They are not just concerned with our concepts of what or who began the universe, what the characteristics of this great force are, and what the plans are for us as a species. They are also deeply concerned about the implications… Continue Reading

One World for All Humans

The best evidence we have is that life began on Earth about 4 billion years ago. Plant species evolved by natural selection for over 3 billion years, but there were no animals for those billions of years. The first evidence we have of animal life occurred about 600 million years ago, during the Cambrian explosion.… Continue Reading

Layers of Probability

We have, so far in 2009, discussed the common myths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the additional myths which each of these religions uses to seek unique status, and the common base from which all religions stem. That has led us to affirm, once again, that there certainly is a God in our universe. For… Continue Reading

There is a Reason for All Religions

The previous two essays for 2009 have discussed both the commonality of the three religions of Abraham, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but have also discussed their particular added interpretations of their common myths, which each religion uses to claim unique status. Those claims for unique status certainly get them and the rest of the world… Continue Reading

Common Myths of the Abrahamic Religions

Muslim zealots commandeer, in a concerted plan, four commercial flight American airplanes, which they plan to use as flying bombs on the White House, the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. Three of them succeed, killing over twenty five hundred innocent people. They committed these act because the occupants of those airplanes and these… Continue Reading

More on Relativity

It appears to us that we live in such a fixed world. Houses, rocks and streets are very solid objects. If we stumble and fall against something, it certainly hurts, testifying to its solidity. My furniture, dishes, plates and utensils are quite solid. They hold me up and hold up food quite well. Even though… Continue Reading