Messages to our Abrahamic Religions

I have this message for the followers of Judaism:

            Please understand that there is no divinity which gave your tribe chosen status, superior to all other races and religions. Please understand that there is no divinity which gave your people the right to occupy a certain piece of land on planet earth. Your religion had no right to take away land and homes belonging to other humans. Please understand that further Israeli violence directed toward those Palestinians whom you robbed of their possessions and homes, will only harden their hatred of your people, religion and State. Please understand that your only avenue toward becoming a superior people is to demonstrate superior ethical behavior, showing deep respect for all other humans, as an example for all the rest of us to follow.

I have this message for the followers of Christianity:

            Please understand that your hero, Jesus, was not a divinity on Earth. Please understand that Jesus was a human who preached compassion, as well as punishment and torturous deaths for those who did not believe in him as the Messiah of Judaism. Please understand that you have no right to express violence toward other humans just because they follow a different religious faith. Please understand that you have no right to force your religion on other people, lands and cultures. Please understand that all humans around the planet Earth are now your neighbors. Please understand that  your only goal, in dealing with your neighbors, should be to follow that golden rule taught you by your prophet, Jesus: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I have this message for the followers of Islam:

            Please understand that your prophet, Muhammad, taught compassion toward, as well as violence toward, other humans. Please understand that your god, Allah, does not care whether other people have your religious faiths, or not. Please understand that all other peoples and religions have just as much right to have their beliefs as you do to have yours. Please understand that further violence from followers of Islam will only result in further hatred and resentment directed toward your religion. Please understand that your goal should always be to follow those admonishments of your prophet, Muhammad, to take care of the widow, the cripple, the lame, the poor, the ill and the orphan, showing compassion toward all other humans, and all other life.

            Blessings upon each of you, as we all, individual, unequal humans of every description and belief, express our needs for life, liberty, and fulfillment.

The Superiority Complex

                It began when the first human groups formed; the desire of humans to believe that they were, in some way, superior to those other humans around them, and superior to all animals. We apparently need our egos inflated for us to cope with life. Throughout human history, this one weakness has caused us immense… Continue Reading

Richard Nixon

                I just finished reading the critical biography of Nixon and Kissinger during their political power years, by Robert Dallek.  I found it most disturbing. Both men are characterized as vain, and extremely insecure. Hundreds of examples are given demonstrating that every decision they both made was not based on morality, but based on what… Continue Reading

Donald Trump

                Donald John Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America on June 16, 1915, riding down a golden escalator at the Trump tower, as if a God descending from Heaven to take command  of his people. He soon attracted an intensely loyal following of Christian Nationalists and White Supremacists,… Continue Reading


                Syria was occupied by France until 1946. After the departure of French troops, several political parties vied for control in that country, none of them dominant. In a series of coups, beginning in 1963, ending in 1970, the Shia Alawite faction of the Ba’ath Party succeeded in ousting their competitors, and seized firm control… Continue Reading


                After being elected president of the United States of America in 1908, the first words that Barack Obama uttered, as he stepped to the podium to address the crowd of adoring followers below, many with tears in their eyes, were, “The American dream is still alive.” That utterance prompted an uproar of approval from… Continue Reading


                Muslim terrorist fatalities reached a peak of 33, 348 in 2014, declining to 13,826 in 2019. From 9/11/2001 – 4/21/2019, there were 146,811 documented deaths from Muslim terrorist acts. That’s an average of over 8000 humans losing there their lives every year because of this misguided mythology. At least three times that number were… Continue Reading


                The Christian religion had a somewhat slow start during the first few centuries of the Christian era. No one knew exactly what this new religion believed. Some of its followers believed that Jesus was a divinity on earth. Others held that he was a great prophet who taught high morals. Some worshiped Mother Mary.… Continue Reading


                The Hebrew tribe and religion of ancient times was embroiled in a running series of conflicts with their Arab neighbors, over multiple centuries.  There was frequent killing of citizens when a town or settlement was taken. Multiple atrocities were committed by tribe against tribe, and many of them are documented in the Bible. That… Continue Reading


                In 2023, in the United States of America, there is no doubt that it is more difficult for a person of color to obtain a good job, a good education, a car loan, a reasonable house mortgage, live in a nice neighborhood, live a long, enjoyable life, get smiles from strangers, receive excellent medical… Continue Reading